Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Phantom of the Opera was Here!

The Phantom of the Opera is rolling through Singapore! Kristin and I, one of my Germans, decided to shell out the big bucks and attend. At S$120 bucks it was a bit of a strech, but if it's been around for a gazillion years I knew it would be good. The performance didn't dissapoint!

The staging was excellent; I was especially amazed at the flawless set transitions that seemed to occur every few minutes. My 2 favorite parts of the show are the opening sequence, after the auction, when we hear the 'Phantom of the Opera' theme song for the first time (also when they raise the chandellier). The bridge scene was also spectacular, when they create a mock-river on stage, complete with loads of candles and a boat! Really great stuff.

My advice to people who know nothing of the show is to learn the songs before you go! The accoustics are excellent, but I had no idea what the Opera star was singing because she was trilling every second word; she was speaking English. Because it was my first Phantom experience, I was content to absorb the staging and costumes and will focus more on the songs when I see it again in London.

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