Monday, April 16, 2007

Wakeboarding at East Coast Park, Singapore

I'm no waterbaby, but I decided I had to try wakeboarding when the opportunity presented itself last Sunday. We got up bright and early and hopped on the train, ready for a day in the sun! We're all so damn white, we really needed it! Kamil and Arno, two new German exchange students staying in my hall decided to join us.

Much to our surprise, they had a wakeboarding special on at S$5.00 for 30 minutes. Normally wakeboarding is S$35/hr on the weekends, so we were more than pleased at this offer. It isn't wakeboarding in the typical sense because you are not being pulled by a boat. Instead, a mechanical line that pulls you around a small lake, and you must navigate through special booeys if you do not want to sink; if you go off track you risk sinking when the cable is switching towers, because it momentarily looses tension! The first time I made it half way around, then ditched out, the second time I made it 3/4 of the way around, but sank when the cable was switching towers (proof that you must stay on course!). The third time was golden! I figured out how to position myself between the markers, and almost made it around 2 times. Some girl fell right infront of me so I had but had to abandon the line; I did not want to deal with the hassle of a collision just to make it 2 times around!

After wakeboarding, we went for a drink and met a cool English guy named Chris. He was taking a year off life and travelling around the world; it sounded awesome! We then went rollerblading for about 30 mintues, got a goody bag with a free athletic tank top and tons of useless samples and caught some dinner before heading it back to NTU. I definitely want to spend more time exploring the unique areas of Singapore and try out new things. I actually like wakeboarding and rollerblading, and would like to improve my skills a bit. I think flying halfway around the world warrants a bit of experimentation, don't you?

Alright I want to do a bit of work before the lab closes up, so I'll close up for now. Talk soon!

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