Monday, March 12, 2007

Whiteys, Whitewashing and WMF

Some of you may have heard me talk about the 'WMF' and the 'Whiteys' here in Singapore, either on here or on my Facebook, but have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, I have finally managed to grab a few moments of my precious time to explain to you fine folk what these two words actually mean. You're in for a real treat tonight!

WMF simply means 'white man food,' and is a rendition of a phrase coined by one of my bestest fasian friends out there, Diana Wong! She came to Singapore on exchange about a year ago, and when she came home she started to call all our food 'white man food,' or 'WMF' for short. Ever since then, I've called anything that resembles 'western food' WMF. WMF is popular here in Singapore, but for some reason they think we eat porc'n'beans with every meal....

'Whitey' is a word I coined myself to represent the large expatriate (white) population in Sing. I was looking forward to being a 'visible minority' for once in my life, but that dream was shattered when I stepped on the plane in Tokyo en route to Singapore. Why you may ask? Because the whole damn plane was filled with whiteys! Jesus! The airport had even more of them. I was devastated.

Now I didn't start to call them whiteys right from the start; it took a few weeks to develop. One dayI realized that there are so many derogatory terms for Asians, Blacks, Latinos and every other race you can think of, but the worst they can throw in our white faces is 'gringo' or 'cracker.' Well I don't know about you, but gringo and cracker are pathetic and I decided that we need a new word. Hence 'whitey' was born.

I love going to Clark Quay and making fun of all the whiteys there (even though I am one). For those of you who have never been to Singapore, Clark Quay is about 95% 'expatriate' and 5% 'local'; and the locals are mostly the workers. While you are walking down the Quay you can really tell that it's been whitewashed with a bunch of whiteys devouring WMF.

I happen to think whitey is quite mild and tame, but I have got slack for using it. I have just one thing to say to you all: I AM WHITE. In fact, I'm about as white as you can get, and if I wanna call my people whitey I think I should be able to. So there.

Yours in white-ness


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