Okay, here goes:
I left Edmonton January 16th, 2007 on the 13h05 Alaska Airlines flight en route to Seattle, Washington. Unlike most other students, I chose to fly through Seattle because my mommie was gracious enough to give me the flight coupon she wasn't going to use, so I got to fly to Seattle for FREE. The next day I connected with United Airlines flight which I purchased from Travel Cuts USA. The only reason I say where I bough it (most of you probably couldn't care less) is because I got a steal of a deal at 950USD including a 4 day stop-over in Tokyo on my way home. Needless to so, I am quite happy with the price, but at the same time am somewhat peeved that the price is a good 30-40% cheaper than what we'd pay in Canada. Mais comme les Francais disent, c'est la vie....
Tyler and Paige picked me up at SeaTac airport. I conned them into driving down from Vancouver to spend some quality time with me (and be my chauffer). We went for dinner at P.F. Chang's and Paige got all pissy (love you Paiger!) because we didn't get straws with our drinks. I pointed out that nobody else had straws in their water and that maybe American's don't use straws, just like they don't eat gravy with their fries (which is plain crazy talk if you ask me, but who am I to judge?). In fact Americans do use straws, and I actually have no idea why we got the shaft at P.F. Chang's!
After dinner, we went strolling around downtown for a bit, and spend some time at Nordstrom Rack and at Abercrombie & Fitch (like we don't already have A&F in Canada.....). Thankfully nobody fingered us OR threw money at us with the ever-so-welcoming 'Get the FUCK out of our goddamned country' like last time we were in Seattle (I do apologize for the cursive language). I was quite pleased.
Tyler and Paige took off early because Ty had to work the next day, so I went back to my hostel (the Green Tortois right-smack downtown, which I highly recommend). I didn't feel like busting loose and going bar hopping by myself (because that's lame) so I got myself together and walked to the movie theatre and bought the next available ticket for 'Babel'. It was an intersting flick, complete with disturbing scenes of a young deaf Japanese girl's vagina (don't ask, just see the movie please). It is a film composed of 4 different story lines that are all connected in some way or another. It is not a 'feel good after you leave the cinema' type of movie.
The next morning, I got up early-ish, packed my things and went downstairs to see what kind of free breakfast was on offer. To my astonishment, I was greeted by fresh fruit, cottage cheese, and two waffle makers! This wasn't half bad after all! I made myself a small cinnamon waffle with some cottage cheese and fruit, then decided that I'd better have another (regular) one just incase they didn't feed me much on the airplane ('cause you never know with airlines these days...) After the second delicious waffle, I walked into the kitchen to deposit my dishes in the sink. And what was I greeted by? Eggs and toast, with peanut butter and jam. Well, CRAP! Out came the frying pan and the toaster and down went my third breakfast in the space of about 20 minutes. It's funny how I HAD to eat a bit of everyything 'just because I paid for it.' Crazy...
After checking out, I walked out of the hostel to catch the bus to the airport. A bunch of cabbies saw my luggage and motioned for me to get in, but they must have bumped their heads because there was no way I was going to pay $25USD when the bus costs $1.50. Silly men. Where's the common sense?
After checking in, I caught the train to the other terminal, sat around for a while, then decided I had better eat again before boarding the plane to Tokyo (just incase!). For those of you who are interested, we ate about 2 hours after take-off, and again I HAD to eat it 'just because I paid for it.' So that's like what....5 meals in the space of 4 hours?
Here's a tip for all you guys out there: If you notice the plane has some empty seats (as my Tokyo to Singapore flight had) just COUGH your lungs out and the scary woman next to you will call the flight attendant over, start blabbering away in Chinese, and simply DEMAND another seat! You can then lift up the arm rest, scrunched yourself into a ball and have a nice little nap. :)
This is officially too long now, so I'm going to stop talking
Yours in travells,

1) Welcome to Canada
2) Alaska Airlines CRJ
3) Hostel room at Green Toirtoise
4) Hallway at Green Tortoise
5) Flight monitor - going to Tokyo!
6) My UA Boeing 777
7) My seat - nobody beside me!
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